Author Archives: Alden


Facebook has inexplicably shut down my personal page, so I also can’t control any of my other pages. This is a test to see what happens when I try to use the auto-publish feature. If you know anybody at Facebook, … Continue reading

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Cookies for your Country

I haven’t written a postcard post in a while, but that ISN’T because I’ve quit the hobby. Rather the opposite, in fact; I “met” a family through a postcard and dived completely down a rabbit hole, which has just gotten … Continue reading

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The “Illwo” Sends Its Greetings — Travel, Laughter, and Nazis

Paul Kolisch was born in Vienna in 1883, which means he was a comfortable 50 years old in 1933 when he wrote this postcard. I’ve heard that Austria in 1933 was a complicated place to be, maybe not that fun, … Continue reading

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A Tiny Peek at Tommy

Here’s postcard 17, which depicts on its front the pontoon bridge in Willemstad, Curacao. It is sent to a Thomas C. by his grandmother and addressed with a very clear address. This one was harder to process than you’d expect, … Continue reading

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Ready For a Soap Opera

I’ve been ruminating on the good ol’ days as I did this card — you know, the America we’d like to return to, when every man had a job and came home to his wife, to whom he was happily … Continue reading

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Aunt Charlotte’s Old Face, Twice

I don’t have enough postcards to do two a week for long, but this one is brand new (to me) and I like it as a way to go into the weekend. So happy Friday, from Charlotte S., who sounds like … Continue reading

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It’s Grandma Who’s Interesting

Today I’d like to share Postcard 8, an image of Lenin’s Tomb in Moscow, although it is postmarked from Leningrad. Because this isn’t 100 years old and because I’m only sort of confident all the named characters are dead, I’m … Continue reading

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I’m Nancy Drew, Is How I Did It

Yesterday’s post has generated an interesting conversation on Facebook, so I’m going to write a little post here about how I did the research. [Also, for the record: I’m blurring a lot of stuff for now because some of these … Continue reading

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“Oh Ma you can’t guess”

This card is one of my favorites because I really had to wrestle with it. When I first read the back I thought it seemed so forlorn, but I hoped I could find a happy ending for its author, so … Continue reading

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Parks & Rec 2-23: Blazing Chemistry

Plot: Leslie has to charm the local police into donating security for the fall festival. Ann is in love with Chris. Ben is in love with Leslie. And Ron, bless his pointy head, is in lust with his ex-wife Tammy … Continue reading

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