Monthly Archives: June 2013


Okay, where were we? Right… I was itching to do more work and being foiled by the humidity and the rain. I did my best to be patient, but: I am not patient. I finished the quote one night under … Continue reading

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Is this what creativity feels like?

I know it’s just yellow paint and stencils and this isn’t really the most creative thing you’ll ever see. But I’ve been interested to observe my own emotional interaction with this stupid mailbox. I’m OBSESSED with it. It’s been too … Continue reading

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I’m Not Alone, Thanks: A knee-jerk reaction to Jonathan Safran Foer

My Facebook feed has been riddled recently with editorials about how we’re losing something in our lives as we plunge ahead into the iWorld. This sentiment seems pervasive: witness the high-larious Toyota ads that remind us how silly the internet … Continue reading

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Okay, so it took about ELEVENTY more coats of yellow paint. (And with each can of paint I buy, this project gets less and less cheap…) But finally I managed to spray on enough yellow to eliminate the patchiness, as … Continue reading

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Cutting and colors

Yay! Unlocked machine! Now the real renovation could begin. Firstly I wanted to remove several things that were ugly. The sample-copy rack had to go. The crosspieces popped right off when I applied a little pressure to the solder holding … Continue reading

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Taking things apart

So I found myself in possession of a big old newspaper vending machine. It took me an hour to figure out how to open it, which I did mostly by sticking my arm in the available crack and seeing if … Continue reading

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How I acquired a vending machine. Or: Griffin is far, and cement is heavy

Here is a new law of the internet: Craigslist transactions are weird, 100% of the time. Even if they end up going off more or less without a hitch, they’re WEIRD. This is a truth. My sister found the ad … Continue reading

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