Category Archives: Ruminations

On Jeff Varner, prejudice, and absolutely instant regret

There are incidents in all of our lives that come back to us over and over. I believe it’s because we haven’t finished fully wringing out their meaning, and I’ve been revisiting one of mine a lot in the last … Continue reading

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Mea Culpa… and nothing else

I wrote an *excellent* blog post in the shower this morning. It was funny and witty and original. I hit upon the delightful idea of comparing the back-and-forth on the internet this week between women of color and white women … Continue reading

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The Judge Who Didn’t

“Good morning!” the judge says, too cheerfully. Nobody replies. “I’ll try that again… Good morning!” Under the bailiff’s glare, the motley crew on the uncomfortable benches manages to mutter out a response. Nobody else looks nearly as excited to be there. In … Continue reading

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Sometimes the cheese works

The Close-of-Service “Letter to Yourself” (Cross-posted at my other blog, Diary of the Desert.) Tuesday, September 18, 2001. It’s your (my) last day in Bayt Yafa. Surprisingly typical: I had breakfast upstairs. We watched the new miniseries, but it isn’t … Continue reading

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A Follow-Up: The Male Experience

I’ve had lots of conversation in several fora about my post from yesterday. In general I think I have two follow-up thoughts. First: doctors should ask questions about our health, even if those questions are uncomfortable. It may be too … Continue reading

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The Annual Conversation I Hate

Some of you (hi Mom!) may well consider this entire post TMI, but I don’t care. I think we should talk about this stuff more, and just because the story starts with my having ladybits doesn’t mean it should be … Continue reading

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Writing Prompt 8/25: A Froggy Mystery

Today’s prompt: “Write a mystery. Start with a question and write until you answer it.” The first mystery that came to my mind when I saw this email — which is how I intend to try to answer these prompts, … Continue reading

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Limes and Memories

I attended a press conference Thursday, one that was in the news a lot that day, one called by a great man who is facing the end of his days. He said he’d like to finish eradicating a disease before … Continue reading

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Here we go: On Hillary, feminism, and my promise to the universe

Okay, off the cuff, NO redaction, I’m just going to write this and see what happens. I’d like to tell you, beloved and probably imaginary audience, about a day in 2008. I was working as a researcher, a wonderful job … Continue reading

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Names and all that baggage

I started a new job in May. A few weeks after I started, a nice gentleman from the properties department stopped by and gave me a nameplate featuring my first name and my husband’s last name. And I kind of … Continue reading

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