Monthly Archives: August 2015

A Follow-Up: The Male Experience

I’ve had lots of conversation in several fora about my post from yesterday. In general I think I have two follow-up thoughts. First: doctors should ask questions about our health, even if those questions are uncomfortable. It may be too … Continue reading

Posted in Rants, Ruminations | 3 Comments

The Annual Conversation I Hate

Some of you (hi Mom!) may well consider this entire post TMI, but I don’t care. I think we should talk about this stuff more, and just because the story starts with my having ladybits doesn’t mean it should be … Continue reading

Posted in Ruminations | 18 Comments

Writing Prompt 8/25: A Froggy Mystery

Today’s prompt: “Write a mystery. Start with a question and write until you answer it.” The first mystery that came to my mind when I saw this email — which is how I intend to try to answer these prompts, … Continue reading

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Limes and Memories

I attended a press conference Thursday, one that was in the news a lot that day, one called by a great man who is facing the end of his days. He said he’d like to finish eradicating a disease before … Continue reading

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Daily Writing Prompt 8/21

I know my readership is 99.99% (or more!) imaginary, and that if you are a real human this stuff will probably not interest you anyway. But. If I’m going to call myself a professional writer (formal announcement on that later … Continue reading

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Not necessarily the *highlight* of that story…

I was contacted several months back by a writer looking for stories from stewards of Little Free Libraries. I referred him to this blog and told him he was welcome to use any portion of my multi-post journey through the … Continue reading

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